Lauren Simone Blogs

Udon noodles, Shaved Ice, and Parrots

hawaii olivia travels travel travel noire vacation

Udon noodles, Shaved Ice, and Parrots

Sunday was a laid back day. I was exhausted. I overslept and missed breakfast and a chance to attend church on the beach. By the time I finally got up I joined my husband to help with the laundry. He wanted to make the most of our penultimate day and I wanted to listen to my body which was shouting "relax!" Since I wasn't going to pay anyone to give me a massage, I just slept! He went on a tour of China town.  I figured I'd stay in for the morning and do a luau at night until I...

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Northshore, Hawaii

Northshore, Hawaii

The longer I stay here the more I fall in love with Hawaii. Yesterday was the best day of our vacation in every aspect- food, transportation, scenery, weather, and experience. First we skipped the continental and went to Ihop. Mom n Matt had steak omelettes, Mel and I had the Belgian waffle combos.  It was delicious and filling and our server Willa was very nice and tolerated all my quirks. I asked that I had eggs from the shell and not from the carton and well done close to burnt. My sister and I hate wet eggs. Matthew got 5%...

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From the plantation to the Honolulu zoo

From the plantation to the Honolulu zoo

Got up, felt great mentally but exhausted physically, had a bowl of cereal and told Matt to go to breakfast without me. I couldn't stomach another egg or pancake. So I called my children and got ready for the conference. Yup I am inHawaii  because the American Psychological Association chose the best venue ever to host a conference. Needless to say poster session, symposia n workshops were scanty bc people only attended their own and students only attended what was relevant to their graduate work (I'm guessing)  My reference to the plantation refers to the work force. The pic above...

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Parasailing and snorkeling in Hawaii

Parasailing and snorkeling in Hawaii

I am sore to the bone. My butt and back muscles hurt from the canoe and my feet hurt from the hike. And I'm dizzy from being out on the sea all day. And let's not even talk about how sunburned I am. My legs look like BBQ chicken. Lol! Yesterday we had the same thing for breakfast then took a free shuttle to Ala Mona Blvd. of course nothing in life is free. This company called Hilo Hattie makes beautiful authentic Hawaiian outfits n shoes n carry ton of souvenirs run a free shuttle and drop you at the...

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From the canoe to the luau

From the canoe to the luau

As usual I got up at ungodly hours because I have not adjusted. I hope not to adjust too much because I don't want to readjust too much when I return home. After the exact same continental breakfast at the hotel  Pancakes and boiled eggs and sugar water, we walked to the bus stop. It rained as we were leaving but lightly. Near the bus shelter was a convenient store and I purchased a waterproof disposable camera. The bus showed up and we jumped on it. Except we jumped on the bus going in the wrong direction. When the driver...

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