Lauren Simone Blogs — black authors
Lauren Simone Pubs at the Link in Stamford, CT for Webster Bank event
black authors black history black owned business Michele Ghee Webster Bank women history

Lauren Simone Publishing featured at the Eric Carle Museum
authors black authors black owned business diverse kid lit illustration

The Bishops Visit the Olympic Training Center Slovakia
authors black and abroad black authors black voyageur blog blogger book children events children's books childrens book disability and communication representation matters special education

Friend Read Friday featuring Olivia Lauren's Olivia Travels
authors black authors black owned business blogger book club children authors childrens book connecticut connecticut authors ct authors diverse authors diverse book authors diverse book characters diverse children books diverse illustrators diverse kid lit diverse lit

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access tv amazon authors black and abroad black authors black owned business blog blogger book Book signing book store Broadcasting children authors children's books childrens book connecticut publishers diverse book authors diverse book characters diverse children books diverse illustrators diverse kid lit