Lauren Simone Publishing featured at the Eric Carle Museum

authors black authors black owned business diverse kid lit illustration

Lauren Simone Publishing House was thrilled to be welcomed to The Carle.
eric carle museum
We shared Imani's The Golden Life of Sally Sunflower, which was read by her fellow author, Olivia Lauren.
Eric carle museum
We were surrounded by lovely families who were engaged in our stories.
The children exuded joy and admiration!
Eric carle museum
Zachary and Simonne were so patient, expert at adapting to the tech troubles. They had a lovely presentation but the tablet and the projector wouldn't stay connected, so they quickly pivoted to paper and pencil. 
eric carle museum
They were amazing at engaging with all ages.
Eric carle museum
It has truly been an amazing experience watching our authors and illustrators mature and grow.
eric carle museum
Thank you David for this opportunity to gather and share our talents!
Eric Carle Museum
Eric Carle Museum

Thanks for reading our blog. Please check out our books, Olivia Travels and Olivia Lauren's Guide to Habitats.

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