Rockin Reviews with Amber Rabsatt

Amber Rabsatt is a mom, author, teacher, a native of Atlanta, GA, and recently turned vlogger. Amber has always been passionate about children’s literacy. She is currently an elementary school teacher, where she gets to help children learn to read.

amber author of the three friends

Since she was a little girl, Amber has been writing children’s stories.  She completed her lifelong dream when she authored her first book, "The Three Friends," illustrated by Aaron Davis.

the three friends

Amber loves to read to her son, Isaiah. She is determined to pass on her love of reading to him. On January 12th, 2020,  Amber Rabsatt and her son Isaiah posted their first book review on Rockin Reviews. The purpose of Rockin Reviews, a YouTube Channel, is to review children’s books to help parents and teachers find great reads and fun interactive activities.

rockin review

On June 29, 2020, Amber graciously reviewed Olivia Lauren’s A Guide to Things We Wear on her channel, commented that teacher's have access to a curriculum guide to use with the book, and ended the video with an activity to make a quick and easy paper lantern. We are especially grateful to Amber for this awesome review.

Things we wear on rockin review


Please watch her vlog, like, and subscribe to support the great work that Amber and her son are doing. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for book trailers, book readings, and book reviews!

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