We are so excited to share that January ended with double features of our publisher and one of our authors.
Co-Founder and publisher at Lauren Simone Publishing House, Melissa-Sue John, was interviewed by award-winning author, novelist, poet, and non-fiction writer, Jean Moore. Learn more as she shares how the company started and how her vision was realized in Finding Your Invincible Summer.
Meanwhile, author, Yvette Phillips can be seen on News12 featured for reading to students about Lunar New Year. Democracy Prep High School and Bronx Charter School for Better Learning are the only two schools in New York City that teach Korean language and culture. The two schools have joined together to celebrate the Lunar New Year together, and the teachers say the celebration helps students learn more about different cultural backgrounds. To watch report, visit News12.
To find out what else is going on check out our February events lined up. We will be in Hartford, CT and Philadelphia, PA this month.
Don't forget to sign up for Love of Literature (LOL) Book Club. The mission of the LOL Book Club is to create an environment that will help children explore fun through literature, gain confidence through group interaction and provide opportunities and resources to aid and encourage children to increase and improve reading and writing. We conducted a survey from our consistent members and 90% of our members have shown interest in writing their own books. The LOL Book Club and Imani Ariana in Association with Lauren Simone Publishing House presents Literature Out Loud- a compilation of children's literature written by the member of the LOL Book Club. Literature Out Loud invites children of the club and the community to create their own work of literature and have it published in a book.