Meet Joseph Inigo | Lauren Simone Publishing Author
Joseph Inigo is an author, entrepreneur, and certified TV producer. He has worked as a Music entertainment promoter with shows featuring platinum artists. He is also an author of the book entitled Our World – Mama Sister Brother, which tells a story of two groups of kids one from the country the other from the city who all meet at a statewide school talent show and help a kid who is autistic conquer his fears by finding his hidden talent, Music!!! Joseph also founded The Music Note Kids Club and Care 4 Your Own Tree LLC, an Educational Entertainment Company built inspire growth and maturity through books, cartoons, clothing, music, autism awareness, computer science, puppetry, ecology, games, apps and much more. In his Music Note Kids Club, Joseph and his team use puppetry as a form of expression where kids write their own story first in a storyboard format where they then take the puppets to act out their story.